Payment Information & Pricing
Laura Porterfield, DPT of Well Woman Physical Therapy, PC is not a participating provider for any insurance companies and is thus considered out-of-network. Instead, Well Woman Physical Therapy, PC is a cash-based practice. This allows more flexibility with the amount of time spent and types of treatment performed without insurance company limitations. Well Woman Physical Therapy is currently offering convenient in-home physical therapy and wellness services.
If you wish to seek reimbursement from your insurance company, it is your responsibility to verify your out-of-network benefits and perform all tasks related to the reimbursement procedure outlined by your insurance carrier. An invoice of services rendered can be provided upon request if needed for insurance reimbursement. Well Woman Physical Therapy, PC cannot make guarantees or estimates regarding what reimbursement your insurance plan allows. Click here for a reimbursement guide to use when contacting your insurance carrier.
Well Woman Physical Therapy, PC accepts credit card, check or cash payments following your scheduled appointment. Rates are based on time spent and the treatments performed during your appointment.
Current in-person rates:
Initial Evaluation: (2 hours): $225
Follow-up session: (1.5 hours): $150